Sunday, December 30, 2012

Bill Gates: How to fix capitalism?

Capitalism creates the gap between the wealth and the poor
The innovation, if we get them to apply more significantly for those with the most need. Then we can reduce impoverishment faster than simply relying on government alone.
young people today are more like to work for the company with social responsibility
imbalances make the system work so well.
He is impatient optimistic.
15 years ago, 20 million children died every year. In 2010, it was down below 8 million.
great vaccines. revolutionalize
it's not political term to get these things down.
get the successful stories out. to make impact. attract politicians
by setting the good example, others will come in. US and China need to come in.
Make the society feel that they should give back.
who consistently motivates you: don't want to spoil my children with wealth
you never question it. it's so exciting. it's thrilling. You believe in something that most of the world didn't see.
There is no cost nor just than the needs to care about the poorest

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